Thursday, November 20, 2008

Candida and My Belly

I am consumed with my belly pain. Morning. Afternoon. Evening. All i ever think about. I starve the yeast. Feed my belly chicken, fish, eggs, swiss chard, spinach, avocado. Haven't had any sugar in over a year. I can't get past a certain point in my healing. 2 weeks out of the month are pure hell. bloating. severe bloating. pain. sharp. dull. feels like wet sand. pooping is difficult. why? not sure. they yeast loves living inside me. am i a good host? i don't want to be. I want to be one with my belly. surrender to what is. love what is. with compassion and generosity. but but but I am not sure how. I am consumed to getting rid of it. it won't leave.


I want sunshine in my belly!